Bihar Deputy CM Samrat Choudhary sparked outrage with his recent comment targeting RJD Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav, alleging that Yadav exploited his daughter's sacrifice for political gain. Choudhary's statement, "Lalu Prasad is such a politician who is an expert in selling tickets. He has not spared his own daughter. Firstly, he took a kidney from her and then gave her the ticket," has ignited a heated debate.
The remark refers to Rohini Acharya, Yadav's daughter based in Singapore, who garnered attention for donating her kidney to her father in December 2022. Despite residing abroad, Acharya remains connected to politics and is actively involved in social media. Recently, she shared the stage with her family members at an Opposition's Jan Vishwas Rally in Patna, leading to speculations about her potential electoral debut from the Saran seat in the upcoming Lok Sabha Polls 2024.
Choudhary's comment has drawn criticism for its insensitivity and politicization of a personal sacrifice, prompting discussions on ethical boundaries in political discourse. The controversy unfolds amidst the announcement of Bihar's election schedule, slated to take place over seven phases, commencing from April 19 and concluding on June 1, 2024. With Bihar holding significant political sway, the remark has intensified the discourse surrounding familial sacrifices and political opportunism.