Nitin Gadkari, known for his effective leadership and dedication to public service, received accolades from Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Kirti Azad during the Lok Sabha session on Thursday. Azad, representing Bardhaman-Durgapur in West Bengal, praised Gadkari's work as the Minister of Road Transport and Highways, suggesting that if all ministers were as committed as him, "the country would be saved."
Azad's remarks came during the Question Hour, where he was addressing a supplementary question related to road infrastructure in his constituency. He lauded Gadkari's approach to governance, noting that "the entire House is impressed by the way he works." The praise was met with table-thumping from members across the House, indicating widespread agreement with Azad's sentiments.
Azad also brought up a longstanding issue in his constituency, Tejganj, concerning the construction of an underpass. He mentioned that this demand has been on the table since the Golden Quadrilateral Scheme was introduced by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government. Azad inquired whether Gadkari was aware of this demand.
Responding to Azad, Gadkari acknowledged the importance of road safety, particularly near schools. He highlighted the central government's initiatives to build foot overbridges that accommodate not just pedestrians but also two-wheelers. Additionally, he mentioned the installation of lifts on these bridges to aid the elderly, underscoring the government's commitment to inclusive infrastructure development.