Actor-turned-politician and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut launched a scathing attack on Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on Monday, accusing him of "endorsing" the latest Hindenburg Research report that targets the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch. Ranaut labeled Gandhi as the "most dangerous man," following his comments regarding the integrity of India's stock market.
Rahul Gandhi is the most dangerous man, he is bitter, poisonous and destructive, his agenda is that if he can't be the Prime Minister then he might as well destroy this nation.
— Kangana Ranaut Hp (@kanganaranautin) August 12, 2024
Hindenberg report targeting our stock market that Rahul Gandhi was endorsing last night has turned out…
On Sunday, Rahul Gandhi expressed serious concerns over the new allegations made by the US-based short-seller Hindenburg Research. He specifically questioned the potential conflict of interest involving SEBI's chief, Madhabi Puri Buch, and demanded her resignation, calling on the government to address the issue.
In response, several BJP leaders, including Kangana Ranaut, criticized Gandhi for allegedly undermining public confidence in India's stock market. Ranaut's remarks reflect a broader backlash from BJP members who believe Gandhi's statements are aimed at destabilizing the country's financial system.
The controversy stems from Hindenburg's latest report, which claims that SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch and her husband, Dhaval Buch, have stakes in offshore entities linked to the alleged Adani money siphoning scandal. Both SEBI and the Adani Group have vehemently denied these allegations, branding them as "baseless" and "malicious." Madhabi Puri Buch further clarified that the timing of the Hindenburg report is suspicious, coming just after SEBI took enforcement action and issued a show-cause notice to the research firm in July.