In a devastating incident in Kota, an 18-year-old JEE aspirant, Niharika, took her own life on Monday, leaving behind a poignant suicide note expressing her inability to cope with the stress of the upcoming JEE Advanced exam. The young girl, a class 12th student residing in Borkheda, Kota, apologized to her parents in the note,referring to herself as a "loser".The suicide note reads 'Mummy, Papa, I could not do JEE, so I am committing suicide, I am a loser, I am not a good daughter. Sorry mom and dad.
The police said that the deceased was Niharika who was a class 12th student and resident of Borkheda in Kota. Borkheda police station ASI Revathiraman said that Vijay Singh, resident of Shiv Mandir 120 feet road Borkheda, reported that his daughter Niharika (18) was studying in class 12th. His JEE Advanced paper was scheduled on January 30th On Monday morning she committed suicide by hanging herself in her house. Family members have said that she was under stress due to her studies. A suicide note has been recovered from the student's room.
The deceased felt sorry for not being able to do JEE in the suicide note. What is more terrifying is that this is the second suicide of a coaching student in a week.Niharika's cousin Vikram said that she was the eldest among three sisters. Father is a gunman in a Bank who left for duty on Monday morning. Niharika was studying in her room on the second floor. Other family members were downstairs. Around 10 in the morning, grandmother knocked on Niharika's room and saw that she was hanging from the window above the gate. The family immediately took her to the hospital where doctors declared her dead.
Another student dies by suicide in Kota:
— Hamza Khan (@Hamzwa) January 29, 2024