At least seven people lost their lives, and nine others were injured in a stampede at Baba Siddhnath Temple in Makhdumpur, Jehanabad district, on Monday morning. The tragic incident occurred at the Vanavar hill of Makhdumpur block during the fourth Monday of the holy Sawan month, a time when the temple saw a significant influx of devotees.
Alankrita Pandey, the district magistrate of Jehanabad, confirmed the casualties and injuries, stating that the situation is now under control. "We are monitoring everything, and the situation is under control," she said.
The stampede reportedly happened due to the massive crowd that gathered at the temple, leading to a sudden surge that overwhelmed the devotees. Those injured in the incident were immediately rushed to hospitals in Makhdumpur and Jehanabad for treatment.
Local authorities have been working to ensure the safety of the remaining devotees and to manage the situation at the temple.