In anticipation of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Jharkhand, Congress and JMM have finalized their seat-sharing formula, sparking a flurry of discussions across the state. Under the agreement, Congress secures the lion's share with 7 out of the 14 Lok Sabha seats, while JMM will contest on 5 seats. Additionally, RJD and CPI (ML) will each receive one seat, with RJD being allocated Chatra and CPI (ML) securing the Koderma constituency. This arrangement underscores the cooperative efforts of the alliance parties, which include JMM, Congress, RJD, and the Left, in the state's political landscape.
The decision comes in the wake of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, where BJP emerged victorious in 11 seats, while AJSU, a member of the NDA coalition, secured one seat. Congress and JAMA each claimed one seat, setting the stage for heightened competition in the forthcoming elections. With alliances solidifying and seat allocations finalized, political dynamics in Jharkhand are poised for an intense electoral contest, with parties gearing up to vie for voter support across the state.