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Rats chew dead body in hospital's cold storage

  • Dead body in MGM Hospital's cold storage found gnawed by rats
  • Deceased's family repeatedly requested hospital authority to keep body in cold storage
  • Body was outside in a room with AC on due to space shortage 

12 Apr 2024

A dead body kept in the cold storage of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College and Hospital (MGM), the biggest government hospital of Kolhan, was gnawed by rats.

The deceased's relative Gyaneshwar Singh said that Shyam Singh (45), a resident of Mango Daigutu, was injured on Tuesday after falling from a vehicle. On Wednesday morning, he was admitted to the emergency ward and was died during treatment. 

Deceased's family repeatedly requested the hospital authorities to keep the body in cold storage, even after being informed that there was no space. MGM Hospital Dr Ravindra Kumar said that "there was no space to keep the dead body in the cold storage, therefore the body was kept in a room outside with AC on."

When the family arrived on Thursday (11 April) morning, they saw that the toes and private parts of the dead body had been nibbled by rats. 


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