In a disturbing incident from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, a man allegedly deceived a married woman by concealing his true identity, leading to severe sexual assault. The incident occurred in the Mohanlalganj area, where the accused, Akil, a resident of Pursaini, befriended the 25-year-old woman by introducing himself as "Akhil Yadav."
According to the victim's complaint, Akil repeatedly called her after obtaining her phone number, eventually luring her to his house. There, the situation took a horrifying turn as Akil’s father allegedly raped her.
Later, Akil took her to a rented room where his friends, Irfan and Intezaar, were present. The woman reported that both men also raped her. When she resisted, she was beaten and subsequently thrown out.
The victim, who lived with her husband in Alambagh and worked in a private company, filed a complaint with the police. Joint Commissioner of Crime, Akash Kulhari, confirmed the incident, stating that a search is underway to apprehend the accused. A case has been registered against the suspects.