Bengali actor Rituparna Sengupta was heckled by a section of protesters during the 'Reclaim the Night' protest at Shyambazar crossing in Kolkata. A scuffle erupted after it was announced that the actor had joined the protest, leading to 'go back' slogans from some participants. Sengupta was forced to leave the site after being pushed out, with protesters even thumping her car.
Reacting to the incident, Sengupta told the media, "I am shocked and speechless. What happened can be aptly described as hooliganism. I went to express my agony like others, but a group suddenly started pushing me. They were drunk, and there was a stampede-like situation."
The protest was part of the 'Reclaim the Night' campaign, where thousands of women marched across West Bengal on the night of September 4, demanding justice for the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at a state-run hospital.