Following the capsize of their boat, at least 14 citizens of the African country of Cameroon were rescued from the waters of the eastern Caribbean early on Tuesday. But, three of them were found dead, and 13 more were reported missing, according to St. Kitts officials. The group had left Antigua early on Tuesday morning in a boat with 32 passengers that were reportedly headed for the United States.
Virgin Islands when it sank close to St. Kitts, according to officials at a press briefing. They claimed that the gang had been staying in Guadeloupe in the French Caribbean but had already moved on to Antigua.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua stated, "My government has been making every effort to be helpful to these brothers and sisters from Africa who were marooned on Antigua, including by offering them residence and the opportunity to work."
According to him, the Cameroonians landed in Antigua ostensibly as tourists with plans to immigrate to other nations. The survivors are welcome in Antigua, according to Browne, who added that his administration has spoken with the UN High Commission for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration for advice on how to treat them as refugees.
Since English-speaking separatists in the Central African nation of Cameroon started a rebellion in 2017, the country has been shaken by conflict. According to the United Nations, more than 750,000 people have been displaced by the fighting, which has claimed the lives of more than 3,300 individuals.
16 persons on board the boat, including two Antiguans, were rescued after it was seized in Antigua, according to officials. According to officials, it is uncertain what country individuals who died or went missing were from. According to Browne, authorities will look into the "unlawful and horrible affair," including any involvement of locals.
According to Col. Telbert Benjamin, head of defense for Antigua and Barbuda's Defense Force, the boat sank roughly 60 kilometers northwest of Antigua for unknown reasons.
According to Benjamin, recovery "may be a bit of a difficulty" because the vessel "went down in very deep water."