On Thursday morning, a dead body packed in a carton was discovered on the service lane beneath the overbridge in Chandni Chowk, Muzaffarpur district. The body, appearing to be that of a man, was found in the carton, which was abandoned in the Brahmapura police station area. The deceased was dressed in jeans and had a Raksha Sutra tied in his hand.
The discovery led to a significant commotion, drawing a crowd from the surrounding areas. Police were alerted, and Brahmapura police station in-charge Subhash Mukhiya, along with SDPO Town 2 Vinita Sinha, arrived at the scene. The police have called in the FSL and a dog squad for investigation.
The body, along with the carton, was transported to the postmortem house at SKMCH for examination. The area, known for its transport, motor garages, and scrap businesses, often sees drivers and helpers from various states. It is suspected that the body was murdered elsewhere and disposed of by packing it in a carton, potentially dumped after being left to decompose in a transport warehouse.
SDPO Vinita Sinha noted that the identity of the deceased remains unknown. She speculated that the body might have been placed in the carton to avoid detection after the murder. Efforts are underway to review CCTV footage from Chandni Chowk to trace the vehicle that discarded the body.