The Bihar Police has introduced a special initiative called "Safe Travel" under the Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) to enhance the safety of women traveling on the road. The initiative, aimed at monitoring and safeguarding women during their journeys, will initially be rolled out in six districts: Patna, Gaya, Muzaffarpur, Bhagalpur, Begusarai, and Nalanda.
There are plans to expand the program statewide by September 15, 2024. This system will allow the police to track women’s journeys both physically and digitally, ensuring their safe arrival at their destinations.
With this launch, Bihar becomes the third state after Telangana and Haryana to implement such a safety mechanism. The program empowers women to travel with the assurance that their movements are being monitored by law enforcement, offering both on-the-ground and virtual protection. The initiative is expected to provide peace of mind to women traveling alone or in vulnerable circumstances, enhancing overall road safety in these districts.
The Safe Travel program builds upon the broader framework of the ERSS, which was introduced as a nationwide emergency response system. With the single emergency number, 112, citizens across India can access essential services like police, fire, and medical aid around the clock. The unified platform streamlines the process of emergency response, making it faster and more accessible for people in need of immediate assistance.