Actor and politician Kangana Ranaut has slammed the Paris Olympics 2024 opening ceremony for its "blasphemous rendition of The Last Supper." Kangana took to her Instagram Stories on Saturday, sharing several pictures and videos from the event and expressing her outrage.
Posting a video from the event, Kangana wrote, "The Paris Olympics is under fire for including a child in their hyper-sexualized, blasphemous rendition of The Last Supper. An apparent child could be seen joining the drag queens during the performance. They also showed a naked man painted blue as Jesus and mocked Christianity. Leftists totally hijacked Olympics 2024. Shame."
She also shared a photo of a man painted blue, writing, "Naked body painted Christ at the Olympics opening in Paris." In another post, she said, "This is how France welcomed the world for the 2024 Olympics.... And what is the message of such acts?? Welcome to the world of Satan?? Is this what they want to show??"
Kangana further criticized the event's focus on sexuality, sharing a picture collage of the acts and captioning it, "At the Olympics opening everything was about being homosexual. I am not against homosexuality, but this is beyond me. How is the Olympics related to any sexuality?? Why is sex being taken over by sports participation of all nations to claim human excellence?? Why can't sex stay in our bedrooms?? Why does it have to be a national identity? This is bizarre!!"
The event has sparked a wider backlash, with many criticizing the drag performance involving children and its apparent reimagining of The Last Supper. Critics argue that it disrespected Christianity and was inappropriate for an Olympic opening ceremony. Despite the controversy, the ceremony featured memorable performances by artists including Celine Dion, who made an emotional return to the stage, and showcased Paris' iconic landmarks.