Actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut, recently elected as the Lok Sabha MP from Mandi, was allegedly slapped by a CISF personnel at Chandigarh Airport on Thursday. The incident occurred during a security check when Ranaut reportedly refused to place her phone in the tray and pushed the security personnel.
The CISF constable involved has been suspended, and an FIR has been lodged against her. Following the incident, Ranaut left for Delhi on a Vistara flight at 3 pm. Upon arrival, she met with CISF Director General Nina Singh and other senior officials to explain the incident. An inquiry committee of senior CISF officers has been set up to investigate further.
Ranaut issued a statement to the media and her well-wishers, assuring that she is safe and detailing the incident. "I am perfectly fine," she said. She claimed the CISF personnel slapped her and abused her because the officer supported the farmers' protest.
"As soon as I came out after the security check, the lady in the second cabin, a CISF security staff, came from the side, hit me on my face, and started abusing me. When I asked her why she did so, she said that she supports the farmers' protest," Ranaut stated.