The Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh proposed significant amendments to the UP Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion (Amendment) Bill in the state Assembly on Monday, reported Moneycontrol. One of the key amendments introduces life imprisonment for those found guilty of "love jihad" in the state.
The punishment for crimes previously defined in the Bill has been doubled. Additionally, the Bill now includes a broader definition of "love jihad", incorporating more offenses that could lead to life imprisonment. The amended Bill is expected to be passed in the assembly by voice vote on August 2.
The move, however, has drawn severe criticism from the Opposition. Fakhrul Hasan Chand, a leader of the Samajwadi Party, condemned the state government for the amendments related to "love jihad". He claimed that the BJP is only interested in "negative politics".
The original Bill included provisions for punishment ranging from one to 10 years. It declared conversions done solely for marriage as invalid and considered conversion by lying and cheating a crime. In cases of voluntary conversion, individuals were required to inform the magistrate two months in advance. The Bill prescribed one to five years of imprisonment and a fine of Rs 15,000 for forced or fraudulent religious conversions.