In a shocking incident in Bhagalpur, Bihar, the bodies of five people, including a woman constable, her two children, and her mother-in-law, were found in a quarter of the Bhagalpur Police Line. The incident came to light on Tuesday morning when the bodies were discovered inside the CB number 38 quarter, where constable Neetu Kumari resided.
The deceased have been identified as Neetu Kumari, her two children, her mother-in-law, and her husband, Pankaj, who was found hanging from a ceiling fan, indicating a possible suicide. According to initial reports, Neetu Kumari was brutally killed by being crushed with bricks, while the other three family members had their throats slit.
The horrifying discovery was made when the local milkman arrived to deliver milk and found the door unanswered. Neighbors then broke open the door, revealing the gruesome scene. Following the discovery, Deputy Inspector General of Police Vivekanand, Senior Superintendent of Police Anand Kumar, and officers from multiple police stations rushed to the scene. A Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) team has also been called in to assist with the investigation.
A suicide note was recovered from the scene, suggesting that Pankaj may have committed suicide after killing his family members. Authorities have indicated that a domestic dispute, potentially linked to a love affair, might have been a contributing factor. Reports suggest that Neetu and Pankaj frequently fought, with their altercations often spilling out onto the streets.
Neetu Kumari, originally from Buxar, was transferred to Bhagalpur three years ago, while her husband Pankaj hailed from Ara. The police are conducting a thorough investigation to uncover the full details of the case and determine the exact sequence of events that led to this tragic incident.