In a distressing incident, the Gwalior Railway Protection Force (RPF) discovered three abandoned children, comprising two girls and a newborn, at the Gwalior Railway Station. The RPF promptly initiated a search for the parents of the children after receiving reports from passengers late at night. The children, unable to provide any information about their parents, were found near the ticket counter, indicating abandonment.
The two girls, identified as Anjali (7 years old) and Arpita (6 years old), along with the newborn, suspected to be about two months old, were taken into the care of the RPF. The newborn was admitted to Kamla Raja Hospital due to indications of recent birth, while the girls were handed over to the Women and Child Development Department and placed under the care of Mother Kaila Devi Girls' Home. Investigations revealed that the children likely arrived with their parents from Dholpur, although the absence of CCTV coverage in the area complicates the search efforts for the parents. Despite the challenges, the RPF is diligently examining CCTV footage and coordinating with other railway stations to locate the parents and ascertain the reasons behind the abandonment.