Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav criticized the BJP after videos showed the roof of the new Parliament building leaking due to heavy rain in Delhi. The rain has already claimed nine lives and caused severe waterlogging in the city. Yadav shared a video of water leaking from a domed glass roof into a blue bucket in the new building, which was constructed at a cost of nearly 1,000 crore. He commented, "The old Parliament building was better than this new one. Why not go back to the old Parliament... at least till the time the water dripping in a parliament built with billions of rupees..."
New Parliament Building made at the cost of ₹1000 crores.
— Nimo Tai (@Cryptic_Miind) August 1, 2024
Your taxes are being used well.
Yadav further mocked the BJP, questioning if the water dripping from new roofs under this government was part of a "well-thought-out design." The Lok Sabha Secretariat explained that the "minor water leakage" was due to adhesive strips on glass domes coming loose during the heavy rains. They stated that the issue was detected and measures were taken immediately, with no further leakage observed.
Other opposition figures also took jabs at the BJP. Trinamool MP Mahua Moitra likened the leak to the BJP's "shaky" election results, while Congress MP Manickam Tagore referenced the NEET-UG exam paper leak row, stating, "Paper leakage outside, water leakage inside..." Tagore indicated plans to move an adjournment notice in the ongoing Lok Sabha session to discuss the issue.
Delhi's Aam Aadmi Party, embroiled in a conflict with the BJP over Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's arrest, posted a sharp comment on the situation: "Parliament built at cost of 1,200 crore is now dependent on a bucket of 120." The government has not yet responded to the video or the opposition's criticisms.
This incident follows a similar episode where a Vande Bharat train from Delhi to Varanasi experienced a roof leak, which Northern Railway attributed to a "temporary blockage of pipes."