In a troubling incident, a ninth-grade student brought an airgun resembling a pistol to Upkramit High School Balua in Motihari district, Bihar. The student, from Ujjain Lohiyar Panchayat in the Harsiddhi police station area, caused alarm by pointing the weapon at other students and creating a chaotic scene at the school.
The disturbance was noted when students began making noise, prompting the headmaster, Abhay Kumar, to investigate. Upon inquiry, the students revealed the situation, leading to the weapon being confiscated. The headmaster clarified that the gun was an airgun used for bird hunting, not a real pistol.
The airgun will be handed over to the police for further action. Station Incharge Nirbhay Kumar Rai confirmed that they have received the information and are awaiting the headmaster's arrival with the weapon.
This incident follows a similar event on July 31, where a nursery student in Supaul, Bihar, brought a real gun to school and accidentally shot another student, who was later hospitalized.