A devastating incident occurred in Uttarakhand's Haridwar, where a wall collapsed, resulting in the loss of six lives and causing injuries to several individuals. The tragic event unfolded at around 7 am when a wall of a brick kiln in Lahvauli village, Roorkee, collapsed, crushing the workers beneath it.
The injured victims have been swiftly transported to the district hospital in Roorkee for medical attention. Haridwar Collector Dhiraj Singh Garbiyal and SSP Pramendra Dobhal rushed to the scene to oversee the rescue efforts.
Post the incident, a video circulated on social media, revealing a large gathering of locals at the site. Authorities are currently employing earthmovers to clear the debris as part of the recovery process.
The cause of the wall collapse remains under investigation, and the tragic event highlights the urgent need to ensure the safety of construction sites and structures to prevent such accidents in the future.