Thousands of Raza Khan's supporters took to the streets after Friday namaz. Massive rally has been organised by Jamiat from Rajabazar in Kolkata led by Siddiquallah. Huge crowd has gathered to protest over the Gyanvapi issue.
Siddiqullah even declared, "If Yogi Adityanath comes to Kolkata, he will face opposition."
This comes after, Ittehad-e-Millat Council chief Tauqeer Raza Khan took to streets after the Islamic cleric was detained by the police for giving a 'jail bharo' call over Gyanvapi case.
On Thursday, Tauqeer Raza Khan gave a 'jail bharo andolan' (fill the prison) call, asking his supporters to follow him in offering their arrest to police.
Tauqeer Raza Khan gave the call in protest against Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's statement in the Assembly that Muslims should wilfully give up their claim on Gyanvapi mosque in Varanasi and Shahi Idgah mosque in Mathura. Raza Khan said, "If the government wants violence, we are ready. We are not afraid of the police or bullets. The government is running bulldozer (on madrasa). Supreme Court should take notice but it is working under the government's pressure."