The newly elected Chief Minister of Palamu, Champai Soren, marked a significant milestone by laying the foundation stone for a pipeline irrigation scheme valued at Rs 456.63 crore. The ceremony, held at Shivaji Maidan in Medininagar, witnessed the presence of Minister Satyanand Bhokta, MLA Mithilesh Thakur, Ramchandra Singh, Principal Secretary to the CM Vinay Choubey, and other dignitaries alongside the Chief Minister.
The ambitious project aims to bring water from three rivers - Son, Koel, and Aurangaa - to Palamu through pipelines, benefitting 11 divisions and approximately 96 villages in the region directly. The scheme includes the construction of 13 reservoirs to store the water, providing a sustainable irrigation solution for the agricultural lands in the area.
The initiative, originally approved by the cabinet led by former CM Hemant Soren, has been in the works for the past four years, reflecting a commitment to addressing the region's water needs. Notably, reservoirs along the route, including Ranital, Temarai, and Butanduba, will be replenished through the North Koel pipeline, while other waterways like Malay, Postia Nala, and Panghatwa will receive water from the Auranga River.
With plans to lift 4.498 MCM water from North Koel, 19.429 MCM water from Aurangabad River, and 7.470 MCM water from Son River, the scheme is poised to transform agricultural practices in the region, benefiting areas like Chainpur, Medininagar, Satbarwa, Lesliganj, and more.