In a significant political development, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's newly formed government, in alliance with the BJP, is set to undergo a high-stakes floor test today, marking the first day of the assembly's budget session. Nitish Kumar, who recently switched alliances for the fifth time, formed the government on January 28, severing ties with the 'Grand Alliance.'
Amid heightened speculation about the possibility of cross-voting, all major parties in the state have taken preventive measures, issuing whips to ensure the presence of their MLAs during the crucial floor test. MLAs from various parties have been sequestered in resorts to avoid any potential poaching, with the Congress, RJD, and BJP taking strategic steps to safeguard their respective members.
The current political landscape sees the NDA holding 128 MLAs, while the grand alliance claims to have the support of 115 MLAs. BJP has 78 MLAs, JD(U) 45, Hindustan Awam Morcha (HAM) four, and one independent MLA, forming the NDA's total strength. The opposition, comprising various parties, holds 114 seats. The floor test gains significance as it follows Nitish Kumar's switch in alliances, leading to a change in the political dynamics of the state.