India women's off-spinner Shreyanka Patil has been ruled out of the ongoing Women’s Asia Cup 2024 following an injury to her left hand. According to a press release from the Asian Cricket Council, Shreyanka has “sustained a fracture to the fourth finger of her left hand.”
To replace the 21-year-old cricketer for the remainder of the tournament, the Indian team has called up Tanuja Kanwar, who has received her maiden call-up.
Shreyanka had delivered a strong performance in the last match against Pakistan Women at Dambulla. She took two wickets for 14 runs, with an economy rate of 4.2 in her 3.2-over spell. Deepti Sharma (3/20), Shreyanka Patil (2/14), and Renuka Singh (2/14) were key bowlers, with Pooja Vastrakar also contributing two wickets.
In that match, Pakistan elected to bat first, and regular wickets fell. Sidra Ameen (25 off 35 balls), Tuba Hassan (22 off 19 balls), and Fatima Sana (22* off 16 balls) provided notable innings.
In reply, India started strong with an 85-run partnership between Shafali Varma (40 off 29 balls) and Smriti Mandhana (45 off 31 balls). Despite losing some wickets, India recovered to win by seven wickets with 35 balls to spare.