Renowned Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt mourns the loss of her beloved grandfather, Narendranath Razdan, who passed away at the age of 95 in Mumbai.
According to a close family source, Razdan had been admitted to Breach Candy Hospital due to a severe lung infection. The news comes at a time when Bhatt recently won the Best Actress award at IIFA 2023 but opted to be by her family's side instead of attending the ceremony in Abu Dhabi.
Expressing her deep sorrow, Bhatt took to social media to share a touching video featuring her late grandfather. In her heartfelt message, she fondly remembered him as her hero, highlighting his vibrant life. From playing golf until the age of 93 to captivating storytelling and playing the violin, he brought immense joy to his family.
Bhatt's heart is filled with both sadness and gratitude, as she acknowledges the happiness her grandfather selflessly bestowed upon them, feeling blessed to have been raised in his loving presence. She looks forward to a future reunion.
Soni Razdan, Narendranath Razdan's daughter and Alia Bhatt's mother, also shared a heartfelt tribute. Alongside a photo of her late father, she expressed profound gratitude for having him as a father, grandfather, and guiding presence. Razdan's radiant soul, marked by kindness, love, and a zest for life, left an indelible mark on his family.