In a startling incident, three minor girls have mysteriously disappeared from Begusarai. The families suspect a kidnapping, leading them to file an application with the local police station.
The three girls, belonging to both Hindu and Muslim communities, had left their homes to attend school that morning but failed to return. Their sudden absence has left the entire village in a state of distress, the families decided to approach the Manjhaul OP police station and seek justice for their loved ones.
The application lodged by Pura Devi's husband, Sunil Paswan, resident of Pabra Ward 5, provided details of the disappearance. According to his account, his 15-year-old daughter (referred to as Hema), along with her friends Afshan (fictitious name) and Sitara Khatun (fictitious name), left home around 6:30 a.m. to attend middle school. However, by noon, when the girls had still not returned, the family began searching for them. Distressingly, their inquiries among relatives and neighbors yielded no information regarding the girls' whereabouts.
The family's application strongly suspected that the three girls had fallen victim to a kidnapping orchestrated by unknown individuals. They feared that the minors may have been trafficked and sold or subjected to other unfortunate incidents. The gravity of the situation prompted them to seek assistance from the police to ensure the safe return of their missing daughters.
Ajit Kumar, President of Manjhaul OP, confirmed that the application had been received and assured the family that an investigation was underway. Once the necessary inquiries are completed, further legal action will be taken, including the filing of a First Information Report (FIR).
As the investigation progresses, the families and the entire village of Majhauli anxiously await any news or leads that could shed light on the whereabouts of the missing girls.