West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has left for the scene of three train crashes at Bahnaga Bazar station near Balasore in Odisha. On Saturday morning, the Chief Minister left for the accident site in a special helicopter from the helipad of Dumurzola Stadium in Howrah.
Earlier on Friday night, Minister Manas Bhuiyan and Trinamool MP Dola Sen also reached the spot. He visited the hospital and met the injured and assured all possible help. The Chief Minister has left for the accident site on Saturday morning.
According to a statement issued by the Railways, 238 people have been killed so far, while 650 injured have been evacuated and admitted to hospital in the accident involving Sir M Visvesvaraya Howrah Superfast Express, Coromandel Express and a freight train.
The central government has announced a financial assistance of Rs 10 lakh to the kin of the deceased. Along with this, those who are seriously injured will be given financial assistance of Rs.2 lakh for treatment and those who are less injured will be given financial assistance of Rs.50,000.
West Bengal, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh have the highest number of people killed in the accident. However, the situation is not clear as to how many people have died from which state.