In a recent episode of Bigg Boss 17, Ankita Lokhande and husband Vicky Jain found themselves in the spotlight after an unexpected revelation. During a heated argument, Ankita expressed her emotional struggles, citing mood swings and a sense of unwellness. The actress dropped a bombshell on Wednesday's episode, confessing to Vicky that she had missed her period and underwent pregnancy tests inside the Bigg Boss house, raising questions about a potential pregnancy.
The altercation unfolded as Ankita complained about the constant battle for attention within the Bigg Boss 17 house. Feeling mentally drained, she disclosed to Vicky her desire to leave, saying, "I feel I am sick. I have this feeling that I am not well. I am not getting my periods too. I just want to go home." Vicky, initially misunderstanding the situation, learned from Ankita that she had undergone blood tests to check for pregnancy. Amidst ongoing arguments between the couple, Ankita's revelation adds a new layer to their tumultuous relationship within the Bigg Boss house.