After India's loss in the Cricket World Cup final, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) posted a video offering an inside look into the devastated dressing room. The video recaps India's World Cup journey and highlights Virat Kohli's exceptional fielding performance, earning him the 'Fielder of the Match' award. In an emotional dressing room speech, fielding coach T Dilip praised Kohli's on-field contributions and inspired the team, acknowledging their efforts and commitment despite the challenging result.
In a post-World Cup final moment, the BCCI shared a video capturing the emotional atmosphere inside India's dressing room. Despite falling short in the World Cup, Virat Kohli was awarded the 'Fielder of the Match' medal for his outstanding contributions on the field.
The video also features fielding coach T Dilip's heartfelt speech, commending the team's camaraderie and expressing pride in their commitment during the tournament. Despite the challenging result, Dilip emphasized the positive aspects of the team's performance and motivated the players for future endeavors.