Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, convicted of raping two women, has been granted parole once again, this time for 21 days. The controversial leader, currently serving his sentence in Haryana's Sunaria jail, had previously received a 40-day parole in January, during which he was seen celebrating by cutting a cake with a sword. Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar defended the decision, stating that the parole was granted following due procedures.
During this 21-day break, Ram Rahim will reside at an ashram in Uttar Pradesh's Baghpat. Parole involves the temporary release of a prisoner for a specific purpose or before the sentence's completion based on good behavior, while furlough is a short-term release of convicts from jail. This development has sparked controversy given Ram Rahim's past parole incidents and raises questions about the nature of his temporary releases.
Rape convict Fake Baba Ram Rahim gets 6th parole/furlough in 21 months.
— Rahul Tahiliani (@Rahultahiliani9) November 20, 2023
Manish Sisodia, who revolutionised education system in Delhi is denied bail even when there are no proofs available.
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