In the early hours of Monday, the 13145 Radhikapur Express faced a derailment incident in Murshidabad district, West Bengal, following a collision with a truck loaded with sand at a level crossing gate. Despite the impact causing the engine to catch fire, railway officials have confirmed that there were no injuries or casualties.
The incident occurred around 1.25 am when a lorry collided with the level crossing gate between Dhulianganga and Ballalpur. Subsequently, four wheels of the engine derailed, leading to the immediate detachment of the engine from the train.
Emergency services, including the fire brigade, swiftly responded to the scene, successfully bringing the flames under control within an hour. The Radhikapur Express, en route from Kolkata to Radhikapur in Uttar Dinajpur district, had left on Sunday evening.
As a precautionary measure, a special train was arranged to transport stranded passengers to Radhikapur. The railway spokesperson stated that, fortunately, no injuries were reported, but several other trains faced cancellations, diversions, and terminations due to the aftermath of the accident.