A disturbing video circulating on social media has sparked apprehensions regarding the law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh. The video captures a youth dancing with a pistol in hand in Rae Bareli, raising serious questions about public safety in the state. The incident, which occurred in Bemaura village under the jurisdiction of Sareni Police Station, has garnered widespread attention after going viral on social media.
The video depicts the youth dancing to a DJ beat with a visible firearm in hand, triggering concerns about the easy accessibility of weapons and the audacity displayed by individuals in public spaces. Authorities have taken immediate cognizance of the video, initiating a probe to ascertain the details surrounding the incident.
While the preliminary investigation suggests that the video is relatively old, the police have not dismissed its seriousness. The concerned Police Station has been instructed to conduct a thorough inquiry into the matter and take appropriate action against the involved youth. The footage, captured by an onlooker, has ignited a public outcry, urging swift and decisive measures from law enforcement.