In a deeply disturbing incident that has recently surfaced from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, a waiter serving at a wedding function was brutally beaten to death. The unfortunate event unfolded at Ankur Vihar’s CGS Vatika on November 17. The victim, identified as Punkaj. His dead body was discovered two days later on November 19. Police have arrested three culprits involved, and a comprehensive investigation is currently underway.
Punkaj, the deceased waiter, was deployed at a wedding function held at Ankur Vihar’s CGS Vatika on the evening of November 17. His assigned duty was to clear up used plates during the ceremony. The fatal altercation occurred when, while picking up a discarded plate, it accidentally touched a guest, igniting a brawl.
Reports suggest that the conflict escalated when some of the used plates carried by Punkaj inadvertently touched Rishabh and two of his friends, who were guests at the ceremony. This triggered an aggressive response, leading to Rishabh and his companions pushing Punkaj to the ground and subjecting him to a merciless thrashing. Punkaj sustained a fatal injury when he fell during the altercation. The two additional accused in this horrifying incident have been identified as Manoj and Amit.
In an attempt to evade legal repercussions, the accused hid Punkaj's body in nearby bushes, abandoning him in the jungle to meet his untimely demise. Post-mortem report mentions head injury as the cause of death.