In a significant blow to the Congress party in Maharashtra, former Chief Minister Ashok Chavan has announced his resignation, becoming the third senior leader to leave the party in the state, following Milind Deora and Baba Siddique. Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis responded to Chavan's departure, stating that several leaders, especially from Congress, feel "suffocated" within their party. Fadnavis hinted at the possibility of more defections, revealing that many leaders from other parties are in touch with the BJP.
“Several tall leaders of other parties want to join the BJP. Especially, several Congress leaders are in touch with us because of the behaviour of the senior leaders. They are feeling suffocated in their party...Who all are in our contact that will be revealed soon…Aage aage dekhiye hota hai kya (wait and watch what happens next),” Fadnavis told the media.
Chavan, a former Lok Sabha MP and three-term member of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, submitted his resignation from the 85-Bhokar Assembly Constituency to Assembly Speaker Rahul Narvekar. The former Congress leader, who served as Maharashtra's CM from 2008 to 2010, faced corruption allegations related to the Adarsh Housing Society scam, leading to his resignation. With Chavan's departure, the Congress party faces challenges in retaining its strength in Maharashtra.