Former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav received a significant reprieve as the SC quashed the criminal defamation case against him. The apex court's decision stems from a controversial statement made by Yadav against Gujaratis, for which a Gujarati businessman had filed a case. Yadav had unconditionally apologized for his remarks, leading to the court's decision.
The criminal defamation complaint was filed against Yadav after he was reported to have commented that "only Gujaratis can be cheats." This statement was about the withdrawal of a Red Corner Notice against Mehul Choksi, accused of a Rs 13,000 crore fraud from Punjab National Bank. Following the filing of a criminal defamation case by businessman Haresh Mehta, Yadav was summoned by a metropolitan magistrate in Ahmedabad. However, after Yadav filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court to withdraw his statement, the apex court intervened, halting all proceedings in the trial court.