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Passengers chant 'Sachin, Sachin' after spotting the cricketer inside flight

  • Passengers on a flight were filmed chanting "Sachin, Sachin" after recognizing former Indian cricket star Sachin Tendulkar among them
  • The viral video showcases the widespread admiration and respect for Tendulkar, with even the air hostess joining in the applause
  • Tendulkar's enduring popularity and cricketing legacy continue to resonate strongly with fans

21 Feb 2024

Passengers chant 'Sachin, Sachin' after spotting the cricketer inside flight

A video capturing the excitement of passengers upon spotting former Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar inside their flight has gone viral on social media. The footage depicts passengers erupting into chants of "Sachin, Sachin" upon recognizing Tendulkar, showcasing their admiration and respect for the cricket icon. Notably, the enthusiasm extended beyond the passengers, as even the air hostess joined in the applause, reflecting the widespread adoration Tendulkar commands across demographics.

The viral video capturing passengers chanting Sachin Tendulkar's name inside the aircraft highlights the enduring popularity and reverence the cricket legend enjoys. Witnessing Tendulkar's presence firsthand sparked excitement among passengers, prompting spontaneous chants and applause, demonstrating the enduring impact of Tendulkar's cricketing legacy on fans worldwide.

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