A woman was kidnapped from the middle of the market in Uttar Pradesh's Hamirpur district and taken to Noida where she was held hostage and brutally raped. On the instructions of the SP, the police have started investigating this incident. Binwar police station in-charge Dharmendra Kumar said on Friday that the complaint of the incident has been received. Strict action will be taken after the investigation.
An employee of the college hostel used to go to the house of a woman from a village in the Binwar police station area of the district to tutor to her children. The woman was called to the market for some work by the tutor and was dragged into the car. She was kidnapped and taken to Noida. The woman was held hostage in a rented house in Noida. She was brutally raped for a long time.
The brother of the culprit and other people also kept guard to keep an eye on the woman. This woman somehow came out of there and came to Hamirpur and cried after giving written information about the incident to the SP. The SP directed the Binwar police station in-charge to investigate and take action in this matter. After the instructions of the SP, the police of Binwar police station started the investigation of the incident. The police have also started looking for the accused.