West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expresses grief on the demise of former Bengal CM and CPI(M) leader Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, the one she beat to become the CM. She also announced that the state would give him full respect and ceremonial honor during his last rites.
Taking to the social media platform X, CM Mamata wrote, "Shocked and saddened by the sudden demise of the former Chief Minister Sri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee. I have been knowing him for last several decades, and visited him a few times when he was ill and effectively confined to home in the last few years."
She further added, "My very sincere condolences to Meeradi and Suchetan at this hour of grief. I communicate my condolences to the members of the CPI(M) party and all his followers. We have already taken a decision that we shall give him full respect and ceremonial honour during his last journey and rites."
Bhattacharjee took his last breath at 8:20 am this morning at his home in Palm Avenue, Kolkata. He was the CM of West Bengal from 2000 to 2011.