On Friday night, a heartbreaking incident unfolded in Metali, resulting in the tragic death of six-year-old Vinod Vishwakarma, who was killed by a stray elephant while walking home with his mother, Supriya Vishwakarma. The incident took place in the Mangalabari New Colony Para area of Malbazar subdivision in West Bengal, a region frequently impacted by wildlife encounters due to its proximity to natural habitats.
As Supriya and Vinod were returning home, a stray elephant entered the village searching for food. Eyewitnesses reported that the elephant charged at them on the road. In a horrifying moment, Vinod was violently tossed into the air, and his mother sustained serious injuries while attempting to save him. Local villagers, alerted by their screams, rushed to the scene but were unable to prevent the tragedy. Despite immediate transportation to Malbazar Super Specialty Hospital, Vinod succumbed to his injuries. Supriya, meanwhile, remains in critical condition and is receiving treatment for her wounds.
This incident is part of a worrying trend in the region, as it follows two other reported deaths from elephant attacks within the last 24 hours, raising alarms about the safety of residents in wildlife-affected areas. Local communities are increasingly frustrated with the perceived negligence of forest officials in managing wildlife and preventing such encounters. In response to the incident, police and forest officials visited the area, but their arrival sparked protests among residents. Locals are demanding accountability and improved measures to ensure their safety from wildlife threats.