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Minor molested by water delivery man at Survey Park residence

  • A 40-year-old water delivery man, Rajesh Dhara, has been accused of molesting a minor
  • The 12-years-old girl's private parts were touched, says the complaint
  • The police have arrested Rajesh Dhara under sections 75/76 of the BNS and POCSO Act

27 Dec 2024

Minor molested by water delivery man at Survey Park residence

A disturbing incident of child molestation has come to light in Kolkata's Survey Park area, where a 40-year-old water delivery man, Rajesh Dhara, has been accused of outraging the modesty of a 12-year-old girl. The incident occurred on December 26, at around 8:30 pm, at the victim's residence in Survey Park.

According to the complaint filed by the victim's mother, Rajesh Dhara, a resident of Kalikapur, had been delivering water to their house and was known to the family. However, on the day of the incident, he allegedly took advantage of his familiarity and molested the minor girl by touching her private parts.

The police have arrested Rajesh Dhara under sections 75/76 of the BNS, read with sections 8 and 12 of the POCSO Act. The case is currently under investigation, and further details are awaited.

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Minor molested by water delivery man at Survey Park house
Kolkata, Crime Against Children, POCSO, Molestation Case, Child Safety

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